Whether you are an employer trying to keep your workplace safe and free of accidents, a young driver who is trying to get to school, a parent who is doing their best to provide the best future for your child or just someone who wants to see the best for your community, you want to make sure that an industry does not come into your neighborhood and increases crime, makes the roadways more dangerous or provide more chances for your kids to make decisions that could hurt their future.
Join other associations and individuals to urge New Hampshire citizens and lawmakers to not let the Granite State go to pot. Join us any number of ways:
Contact your legislator and let that person know that they represent you and you don’t want New Hampshire communities to become overrun with pot shops.
Find Your LegislatorPost a message on your social media page educating your friends and family on how Marijuana Legalization is a bad idea for New Hampshire.
Talk to your community leaders and educate them on the issue.
Write a letter to the editor about the community impacts of legalization.
Form a neighborhood task force with your local businesses, schools, etc. to keep pot shops away from your home.